October 1, 2019


Free Water Refills at The Manor Fields to help reduce single use plastic bottles

Refill Ireland is an environmental project aiming to make Irish towns and cities tap water refill friendly for everyone while on the go (like the old days!). They locate and encourage the creation of locations where filling your reusable water bottle for FREE from an increasing number of refill stations becomes an easy to do everyday habit helping hydration and ultimately protecting our environment from bottle waste.

Their aim is to substantially reduce the amount of, and dependence on, consuming our drinking water in single use plastic bottles. Alongside their hard plastic tops, as everyone knows they frequently end up littering our streets, waterways, beaches, coastlines and seas.

Ireland has some of the highest quality tap drinking water in the world which we now pay for through water charges in our general taxation from the year 2017. We also have some of the least numbers of publicly available drinking water taps in our streets and parks of any country in Europe making us wholly dependent on the frequent buying of a single use plastic bottle when outside our homes.

When companies won’t even create biodegradable drinking water bottles for us, we need to take action on the number one waste type found by tidy towns committees on their litter picks around Ireland.

You can fill up your water bottle for free here at The Manor Fields Adare in one of our 2 drinking water taps, located beside our playground and located beside our All Weather Astro Turf Pitch

We are open 7 days a week from 9am to 10pm so when you are here for your walk or jog , or bringing the kids to our award winning playground, or attending one of the many sporting events here just refill your preferably metal water bottle and lets try and get rid of single use plastic bottles