January 29, 2019

All weather pitch hire in Limerick

We have a Floodlit All Weather 4G Astroturf Pitch for Hire to any team, organisation or individual in Limerick and the Mid West

If you wish to hire an All Weather 4G Astroturf Pitch in Limerick and the Mid West then you’re in the right place

The Manor Fields Adare Synthetic Turf (Astro) pitch is available for Hire to any group, organisation , club or individuals. .

The Manor Fields Adare Synthetic Turf (Astro) pitch is available for Hire to any group, organisation , club or individuals. .

It is the largest of its kind in West Limerick and the only one in the entire county that is in community ownership.

It is suitable for hire for Soccer, Rugby and GAA. In order to ensure that the playing surface is of the highest standard the pitch as been certified to FIFA, World Rugby and GAA standards.

Only artificial playing surfaces which have been tested in the laboratory and on the field according to the stringent testing criteria of the FIFA Quality Programme can be called football turf. This name means that these systems fulfill the quality requirements necessary for football in terms of playing performance, safety, durability and quality assurance.

In addition, a 20mm Schmitz ProPlay shock pad was installed under the artificial turf.

This will take you to the pitch bookings page where you can view the availability. Once you have found a date & time that suits, please email us at manager@manorfieldsadare.com & we will book that slot for you or call us on 087 364 7850.

We also have a grass pitch that can be booked during the spring and summer months. Check out our Grass Pitch page for more details. We are currently in the process of developing a 2nd grass pitch which will double our capacity.

Pitch Booking Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions of Booking the Pitch

  1. Bookings:
  2. All hirers and users of the Manor Fields Adare are subject to the Terms and Conditions of Hire and Use as shall be laid down from time to time.
  3. Those wishing to book the facilities must complete the official booking process. No activity can commence until the official confirmation email of the booking is received by the applicant person/group from.
  4. Pre-booked pitches may not be transferred by the hirer to any other person/group without prior approval from the manager of the Manor Fields Adare.
  5. The contact person(s) named in the online form will be the person with whom all official communication from the Manor Fields Adare manager will take place. If there are any changes in the details of the group organiser/contact person the manager of the Manor Fields Adare must be informed immediately.
  6. The person named in the booking will be the person responsible for the group, including full payment of the facility, behaviour of those attending the booking, and adherence to the terms and conditions of hire and use of the facility.
  7. All bookings include the time required to prepare, erect, dismantle and remove equipment.
  8. Bookings for children under 18 years of age must be booked and supervised by a person aged 18 or over.
  9. Organisations must provide a copy of their current insurance policy. Non affiliated groups should endeavour to put insurance in place.
  • Cancellation Policy:
  • A minimum of 48 hours notice of a cancellation must be given to the Manager of the Manor Fields Adare. You must contact the Manager by phone on 087 3647850 or email manager@manorfieldsadare.com. Communications to any other person or phone number or email address will not be valid or accepted.
  • More than 48 hours notice of cancellation is ideal, however cancellations made between 48 and 24 hours in advance shall result in half the booking fee being charged, cancellations within 24 hours of booked slot will result in full charges being applied.  Failure to do this, or failure to show on the given hire time for the booking, will result in the group being charged for the hire of the facility.
  • Weather:
  • If the pitches are unplayable the Manor Fields Adare reserves the right to close the pitches. If this happens every effort will be made to contact the groups directly
  • If there is a Red Weather Warning the pitches will be automatically closed. If this happens every effort will be made to contact the groups directly
  • State of Premises:
  • No items should be taken on to the pitch except those needed to play the activity for which the facility was booked. Drinks, tracksuit tops etc. should be left at the side in the interests of user safety.
  • Footwear must consist of either, astro trainers, runners or moulded football boots. Cogs and bladed boots are strictly prohibited on the Astro Turf
  • Hurleys must either have no bands or have bands taped and fully covered. No damaged hurleys will be allowed.
  • No glass containers or bottles are allowed in the Manor Fields Adare
  • Smoking is not permitted in any area of the Manor Fields Adare. It is the responsibility of the booker to ensure all particpants, coaches, mentors, parents and supporters adhere to theis strict no smoking policy in all areas of the Manor Fields Facility.
  • Chewing gum is not allowed in any area in or around the pitches.
  • All jewellery should be removed before playing in the interests of player safety
  • Alcohol or drugs are not allowed in or around the Manor Fields Adare and no person who is in the opinion of the Management under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be admitted or allowed on or near the facility.
  • Money/valuables should be left in a safe area and not in an open area on view at any time.
  • Management accepts no responsibility for items lost/stolen on the premises or grounds, or for any loss, damage, or injury occurring in or in the vicinity of the pitch, or for any injuries to persons participating in any activity in or on its facilities.
  • Any damage done to facilities, property, or equipment, fair wear and tear excepted, must be made good by the individual, group, club or organisation responsible for the damage
  • Climbing on the nets, swinging from crossbars and any other behaviour likely to lead to damage to the facility or injury is forbidden and will lead to immediate expulsion from the facility.
  • Only park in designated parking spaces.
  • Dogs are not permitted on the Astro Turf Pitch, Grass Playing Pitches or Playground.
  • Dog Litter is not acceptable & poses a health risk. Owners must pick up & bring home dog litter.
  • The Manor Fields Adare is a litter free zone. Bins are deliberately not provided. Take your litter home.
  • Code of Conduct:
  • Persons using the facility must be attired according to their intended activity
  • No activity, which could be misconstrued or give offence to other patrons, or to surrounding neighbours, will be permitted
  • Special consideration must be given to neighbours living near the facility. No excessive noise, conduct or general nuisance will be tolerated and offending users will be removed.
  • Users of the Manor Fields are reminded of the need stick to the residential area speed zones on your approach to the Manor Fields and to encoragage thier group, parents and supporters to do likewise. This is a residential area with a large number of children living and playing in the area
  • Supervising personnel must be obeyed at all times during the hire. They are responsible for ensuring compliance with the Terms and Conditions of Hire and Use and have the authority to remove users from the facility. Non-acceptance of supervisory personnel’s decisions or any aggression or violence towards supervisory personnel will not be tolerated and may result in the removal of those involved from the premises and the cancellation of all future bookings.
  • Only players and trainers/coaches are permitted inside the pitch during a booking time. For safety reasons children under the age of 18 are not allowed inside during a booked session unless they are officially part of the booking and of the activity for which the booking was made.
  • No use will be permitted outside the operational hours of the pitch. Anyone breaching this rule will be removed. Management may involve the Gardaí in enforcing this and other rules.
  • The Management decisions on admission, allocation, use, operation, or closure of the facilities is final.

The Management reserve the right to:

  • Introduce, amend or delete such rules as may be required from time to time due to the needs of the service or due to changing circumstances
  • Levy charges and fees as it considers appropriate for the use of facilities or services, and to alter such charges or fees at their sole discretion
  • Refuse admission or the continued use of the facilities to any person or group who in their opinion are in breach of any management rule, or whose behaviour is such that it interferes with the safe, efficient operation of the facility
  • Close the facilities for maintenance repair, holidays, or for any other reason. Where such closure occurs no claim shall lie against the Manor Fields Adare its management, staff or personnel in respect of loss or inconvenience suffered.

Manor Fields Adare and its management point out that all persons using the facilities do so at their own risk. Users are strongly advised to seek medical advice before undertaking exercise. Users with any known medical condition should consult with their doctor before participating in any form of exercise.

In the event of an emergency please call 999 and direct the required service to the following address include Eircode

The Manor Fields,


Adare, Co. Limerick

V94 YHV0