December 8, 2015


The Manor Fields Adare is a community owned recreation facility comprising of an All Weather Floodlit Astro Turf Pitch for hire, suitable for GAA, Soccer and Rugby. There is an award winning playground which is wheelchair friendly and a full size GAA grass pitch and 2 full sized soccer pitches also available for hire.

With the addition of our recently opened Pavilion, there is also a remote working Hub with dedicated desks and meeting rooms now available for hire.

In use since 2009, The Manor Fields Adare is a community owned, 25 acre amenity for recreational & community purposes for people of all ages and all abilities.

Ownership is vested in Adare Recreation & Community Complex CLG, a company limited by guarantee, founded in Jan 2010. It is run by volunteers and is a registered charity.

The vision for this amenity is that The Manor Fields will be sustainable and have recreational facilities for people of all age groups and all abilities. The development of The Manor Fields is a multi-year project and key themes of its development are: multi-purpose, all inclusive, multi-sport, community owned, all abilities, flagship, not for profit, socially inclusive, cradle to the grave, covering the widest possible geographical catchment area.

Following the community consultation process and subsequent Masterplan first created in 2010 (in conjunction with the University of Limerick), and since updated regularly, the latest update in 2022.  Working closely with our Partners, Pobal, West Limerick Resources and The JP McManus Pro-Am, The Manor Fields is now widely recognised as becoming one of the best recreational amenities in the Mid-West region.


To develop and operate a community owned facility for recreational and community purposes, which will enhance the living environment for people of all ages and all abilities. The key themes of the facilities being provided will be: multi-purpose, all inclusive, multi-sport, community owned, all abilities, ‘flagship project’, not for profit, and socially inclusive.


    • To develop the idyllic 25 acres of land, gifted to the community, in a manner that best fulfils the needs of the broad community, as identified in the community consultation and mapped out in the Masterplan, to a wide catchment area.  
    • To optimise the use of shared (but scarce) resources to provide a much-needed recreational space, for the benefit of people of all ages and all abilities.
    • To develop the Manor Fields in a way that is complementary to the world class tourism product of Adare and to capitalise on the geographical location of Adare, in the heart of Munster to capture revenue generating sports tourism opportunities.  
  • To ensure that this flagship project is financially viable and self-sustaining into the future.


Adare Recreation & Community Complex CLG t/a Manor Fields Adare is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status.

Registered Office: Main Street, Adare, Co Limerick

Contact Address:   Main Street, Adare, Co Limerick

Company Number: 480096

Revenue Charity Number (CHY): 18939

Registered Charity Number: 20073527

Founded: 2010